
Thursday, January 3, 2013

A car with two engines

I heard the call to write when I fetched my glass of cold water before I went to bed.

I remember reading it somewhere that there was a new Mercedes Benz Hybrid car that runs on 4 electric motors. However, when I searched for it on the internet, nothing related to it showed up. (Perhaps, it is because either I read it from a newspaper that tells nothing but only lies or I was just not so good at looking for information on the internet). Anyway,  the purpose of this post is to write neither about the obviously expensive Mercedes nor the mainstream newspaper. Rather, I believe that I am somehow inspired to relate the concept of having more than one engine in a single car to almost every single thing in this mortal life.

Before I go further on explaining how the concept of having multiple engines in a car related to various aspects of life, let's us first assume that such car exists somewhere in some parts of this planet. For the sake of simplicity, let's assume that the car that we are going to use as a model or reference is powered by two engines that move its two frontal wheels. Next, in order to better present the idea, I provide you with this nonscientific yet enlightening diagram below.

I know it is not a nice diagram, but please pretend that it is an expensive Mercedes you are looking at

Now, let's take this car to a smooth straight ride on a controlled environment track. To ensure the car moves in a straight path, both of the engines have no other choice but to run at the very same speed; or else, the car will take its driver to an ever distorting path (and most probably never get to the desired endpoint). In a case where one of the engines is slower than the other, the control system must be good enough to ascertain that either the slower engine has to keep up to the pace (with the price of more fuel) or the faster engine has to slow down to the other engine's speed (by sacrificing the precious time taken to get to the desired endpoint).

Now, we pretty much have a good understanding about how a car with two engines works. Fine. But what does it has to do with my life?

I believe it is better for me to answer that question with the following statement: For most of us, school graduation marks the end of the age of a car with one engine, it is now the age of a car with multiple engines (up to four). For those who haven't got the point, knock your head twice until you get it.  Now that I have moved to a different phase of life, I believe that is why the idea of having two engines stuck up in my mind. Nonetheless, don't be a fool to do things without getting educated.

In the real life, we are/will be (God-willing) one of the engines in a vehicle called life to a destined endpoint. The act of joining two engines in a single car must at least serve a purpose. After all, we are not, or worse than, livestock that live the life of eating and mating; therefore, we must be serving a great purpose.

So, now that we know how to and what it takes to get the car moving on the straight path, we should strive our best to ensure the car gets at the good endpoint in a good condition within a specific yet unknown definite interval of time before it runs out of gas. And God forbid, it is very undesired to have the knocked-down car somewhere on the side of the track waiting to be burned by the heat of eternal sun. We also don't want to slow down the other engine just because we are so lazy to take responsibilities.

This vehicle or car that we are talking about does not only reflect our mortal life but also other aspects of life such as financial planning & management, family business, house chores, social works, winter trip planning, and the list goes on. If one of the engines is not equipped with enough interest, understanding and education, the car might not be able reach its destination - in which is undesired. So, being responsible and good communication are the keys of well-maintained high performing luxury supercar that is ready to take one to perpetual heavenly vacation!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tahi Tanda Kasih Sayang?

I think I don't need to publicize this post because some people might find it disgusting. However, it has been a while though since I wrote my last post. Indeed the blogger has a new look - very F5-ing (refreshing).

One weird thing came to my mind this morning as I was doing my morning ritual with Pak Tan ( a.k.a Encik Tandas for those who are not familiar with Pak Tan). Well before that, frankly speaking, I believe everyone finds poops dirty and disgusting, right? Unless you are Suparman (that's how they spell it) from Dr. Slump, then that is your favorite dish. Anyway, while I was doing the thing that I am supposed to keep it private, I came up with the idea that poop is a sign of love.

I know it's pretty weird but allow me some time to explain it to you. Ask yourselves, would you touch a stranger's poop? No, right..? Would you clean a stranger after he has done with his toilet business? No, right..? Why? Because it is (obviously) disgusting.

However, do you still remember, when you were very little, when you could barely talk, when you couldn't even stand on your feet, when all you did was crying, WHO cleaned you? Yes, they were (and I believe still are) the persons who love you. Yes, you were very annoying, and your poop smelt bad, but they wiped you.  Poop is disgusting. Wrecked poop in your diaper was far worse. Why would they clean you anyway?? If you ask me, I would say it was because no one was home and it smelt really bad I feel like punching you in the face. No, just kidding. If you ask those people who cleaned you before, they did that solely because they love you.

I know it is unbelievable for me to talk about love and stuffs but hey, this is a poop-talk okay. However, allow yourselves some time to think about what I just said. I know I can't be 100% wrong on this one. Yeah..Poop is love. I mean, cleaning poop is a sign of exceptional love. So appreciate your diaper-changer while you still can. Love you guys!   ; )

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Takde pape..aku dah kata dah kan..?

Kan takde pape ni ha. aku saje je main2 photoshop malam2 ni. ter update sikit2 la plak blog ni. pergi sambung balik buat kerja.

minum susu sebelum tidur.

Saturday, February 4, 2012



Assalamualaikum rakan-rakan yang sangat dikasihi sekalian. Suka untuk beta katakan pada hari ini bahawa beta mahu mengisytiharkan suatu rahsia yang telah sekian lama menghantui diri beta. Hari tu telah pun aku bebel-bebel pasal kemalasan dan segalanya dan telah aku jangkakan bahawa ia mengundang rasa bersalah pada diri aku. Tapi perlu wo nak cakap benda camtu. Hari ini, saya ingin berceritakan tentang kisah diri saya. Kalau anda nak skip silakan sebab tak best mana pun. Ni nak cerita pasal diri sendiri je. Panjang pulak tu. Anda boleh pergi ke blog Sentuhan Rijal untuk dapatkan ilmu yang lagi bermanfaat.

Seperti yang telah tertera di title, ia adalah mengenai nickname yang aku dapat sepanjang hidup ini. Dan ia masih lagi tidak berhenti. Kamu semua (korang) pun ada nickname jugak kan? So mari kita share-share sikit.

Dilahirkan sebagai Muhammad Redzuan Khairun, aku punya banyak sedara mara. Takde kaitan pun sedara mara dengan nama aku. Tapi sebab ni introduction, so aku letak je la camtu. Nanti tengok je die punya kaitan. Kalau takde nampak gak kaitan, itu adalah kerana pemilik blog Dari Kacamata Seorang Guitarist kacau aku menulis.

Masa aku mula berkomunikasi dengan makhluk bumi yang bergelar manusia, nama gelaran aku diberi Iwan....Aku agak tension ngan nama ni. Masa dulu, aku ada seorang nenek yang kami sedara mara panggil beliau Wan. So aku lihat seperti ada kaitan antara dua panggilan itu. Adakah aku seorang nenek? Mengapa ada "E" kat depan Wan? Walaupun aku tak suka sangat, tapi aku redha dan senyap je.

Dan masa untuk masuk sekolah telah tiba! Disana aku memperkenalkan diri aku sebagai Redzuan. Serta merta aku lihat ramai lagi manusia yang namanya seakan-akan itu seperti Riduan, Ridhwan, Ridzuan dan Rezwan. Sekali lagi aku tension apabila orang salah sebut nama aku. Sehingga ke hari ini, aku akan emphasize kan RED tu. Yela, mana la tak tension. Kalau dalam satu kelas ada nama dekat-dekat sama pastu ada pulak mangkuk yang buat main. "Ey Riduan," Maka jawap mamat tu "Ye? Kau nak ape?" Pastu die kata "Eh, kita bukan panggil kau. Kita panggil Riduan tu". Kata mangkuk tu sambil menunjing jari pada aku dan terkekek-kekek gelak. Muka mamat Riduan tu masa pandang aku sepertinya sedang berkata "Biarlah orang-orang macam ni bahagia.." Kesian kan kat orang-orang tu? Panas gak aku bila diorang ni buat benda sama pada aku. Tapi waktu tu aku baik, takde marah-marah. Aku seorang yang sangat jinak.

Bila masuk darjah tiga, aku telah join pengakap. Cool giler pengakap ni. Nak citer pasal Pengakap ni nanti la kat post lain. Aku tak hebat mana pun cam ada orang jadi King Scout ape semua tapi banyak ibrah dalam citer pengakap tu sendiri. Nanti panjang pulak. Tapi kat sini citer pasal pengakap ni ada sebabnya. Maka pada darjah tiga selepas beberapa lama kami yang bonded dalam banyak perkhemahan pengakap, satu hari dikhabarkan bahawa sekolah akan menerima pelawat-pelawat dari luar. Jadi kami, pengakap, ditugaskan untuk menyambut mereka. Kelakar kan? Camping tepi laut, dalam hutan, sejuk hujan, last-last sambut tetamu je. So cara kami menyambut tetamu ini adalah dengan meletakkan dua orang yang special untuk menerangkan pasal beberapa benda yang ada di foyer sekolah masa tu. Ada machine apa tah. Umum mengetahui bahawa aku banyak membaca maka pengetahuan aku dari orang pun lebih sikit; maka, aku telah dipilih untuk jadi salah satu penyambut tetamu tu. Dipendekkan cerita, aku dipakaikan dengan lab coat. Maka budak-budak pengakap ini sejak dari hari itu mula memanggil aku PROFESSOR..Cikgu pengakap tu start dulu. Maka nama itu melekatlah sepanjang karier pengakap sekolah rendah aku. Mana-mana aku pegi pun orang panggil nama tu. Entah nak rasa seronok ke segan ke sebab bila cakap ngan mak aku, dia gelak pulak. Maka itulah origin nama professor tu.. (Panjangnya paragraph ni)

Sungguh panjang post ini. Barulah aku tahu apa Zulfikar Hazri rasa bila tengok preview dah panjang macam hape.

Maka zaman sekolah rendah aku yang bermasalah pun dah habis. Maka aku pergi ke alam sekolah menengah. Alam ini diberi nama The Second Chance selepas masa sekolah rendah aku yang amat bermasalah. Masa sekolah menengah, kami makan di dewan makan. Ada la sorang abang ni, orang panggil die Haitop. Die makan depan aku, so die punya syok makan nasik sampai nasi dia habis dulu tapi lauk die ada lagi. So dia nak amik kat kaunter depan nu dia segan. Maka aku yang kecik makan depan dia ada banyak lagi nasik yang tak sentuh lagi. Dia pun mintak kat aku sikit nasik sambil tutup muka dia dengan tangan kiri dia. Kalau dia pakai tangan kanan nanti penuh la muka dia dengan nasi kan? So aku pun bagi la nasik aku sikit kat dia. Lepas-lepas tu abang ni jadi baik pulak dengan aku, begitu juga rakan-rakannya yang lain. Nampak cam best la kan? Tapi yang tak best nya aku dapat satu nickname baru iaitu NASIK. Aku pun cam apehal la aku yang nasik nya. Dia yang amik nasik aku, aku pulak yang nasik. Patutnya dia la yang Nasik. Disebabkan rule asrama yang takleh nak rebel-rebel silap-silap kau kena kirai (belasah ramai-ramai), maka aku diamkan dan lama-lama aku jadi lali pulak la ngan nama tu. Takde hal la.

Dan! Di masa yang sama juga, aku ada dapat nickname dari satu golongan yang tidak disangka-sangka akan bagi nickname pada aku. Mereka adalah cikgu-cikgu kesayangan aku. Aku pun takmo la elaborate panjang-panjang kenapa aku dapat nama ni tapi kalau aku sebut nama tu, korang sendiri pun paham. Tau nama tu apa? ia adalah JAMBU...ok habis cerita. bye. Ok belum lagi. Cikgu-cikgu ni panggil aku camtu tak kira masa dan tempat. Dalam sekolah, dalam kelas, tengah mengajar geografi, pergi wakil sekolah, dan macam-macam lagi tempat, semuanya Jambu. Sampai hari ini pun, kalau aku call cikgu ni, aku masih lagi dipanggil dengan nama itu.

Melangkah ke form 4 adalah masa yang sangat bersemangat! Mari mulakan hidup baru dengan kecemerlangan PMR! Mula-mula sekolah je terus dapat nickname baru yang aku tak tahu mana hujung pangkalnya. Ia adalah IWE. Walaupun aku masa dapat nama ni aku blur, tapi pada aku nama ini adalah nama paling cool yang orang pernah panggil aku. Amacam? Cool kan Iwe? Nama cam Kelantan tapi aku bukanlah orang Kelantan mahupun lahir di Kelantan. So korang rasa camne aku leh dapat nama tu? Tapi takpe, sebab nama tu cool, aku suka.

Sampailah habis sekolah aku pakai nama tu. Sebab tu kat URL blog ni pun masih ada nama tu. Iwe.

Tapi, ia pun sama cam kisah Nasik tadi. Sebab, di kalangan cikgu, nama aku lain. Walaupun ada cikgu-cikgu yang panggil aku Redzuan, tapi cikgu-cikgu yang kamcing ni panggil aku lain. Tapi nama tu pun lebih kurang tadi jugaklah. Kawan-kawan nak tau apa?? Ia adalah Can. Cara sebut adalah CHAN as in Shin Chan. Tapi aku bukan dapat dari nama budak tu. Tapi ia adalah dari perkataan Cantik..Aduhai, perlu ke aku bagitahu semua benda ni? Alah, dah nak habis dah pun masa muda. Bila lagi nak buat benda gila kan? Tapi kadang-kadang ada jugak cikgu yang panggil aku Jambu. Hatta kena marah pun panggil Jambu lagi. Nak tergelak aku. "Hey, Jambu! Kenapa awak bla3..."

Nama ni InsyaAllah popular di kalangan cikgu-cikgu sahaja. Walaupun ia agak merebak sikit di kalangan para pelajar. Tapi nama Iwe tu tetap Gagah dan tersemat di hati setiap makhluk sekolah tu yang mengenali aku!

Dan hidup aku diteruskan ke alam PLKN. Kat sana, aku adalah seorang makhluk asing. Disebabkan mereka ini berkumpul mengikut negeri asal, jadi mereka semua ada bahasa masing-masing. Aku tak masuk group mana-mana walaupun aku berasal dari salah satu negeri mereka itu. Hal yang demikian adalah kerana aku tak bercakap bahasa mereka. Tapi tu untuk hari-hari yang pertama je. Dalam minggu pertama jugak, aku dapat nickname baru yang aku tak sangka-sangka sekali. Aku nak cakap pun segan. Tapi tu la yang diorang bagi kat aku. Tau tak apa dia? Segan-segan pun aku bagitahu jugaklah. Ia adalah USTAZ. Wooooo...back off man. Baik betul aku. Haha. So walaupun hidup kat sana cam drama swasta, tapi aku cuba la survive. Apehal tah. Since aku tak jumpa dah sesape lepas PLKN maka nama itu berkubur begitu sahaja.

Hidup di PLKN begitu singkat. Maka selepas itu aku berangkat ke INTEC selepas menerima tawaran. Kalau korang nak tahu, aku ada suatu cerita di antara period SPM-INTEC ni. Tapi nantilah aku cerita.

Masa di INTEC, kira-kira minggu yang pertama jugak, (yela, sebab masa ni la orang perkenalkan diri), aku dapat nickname baru. Haih. Masa tu aku memperkenalkan diri aku "My name is Muhammad Redzuan Khairun and you can call me IWE". Lantas lecturer tu kata "Euw, I don't want to call you that name". Aku agak tergamam, dan berkata dalam hati " Dia ni dengar apa sebenarnya?". Lepas tu classmates aku dengan tiba-tibanya mencadangkan "REDZ". Guess what? Ia melekat. Ah....Nak kata tak suka, dah bertahun-tahun dah aku pakai nama tu. Ramai dah orang go dengan nama tu. Alahai poyonya nama..Takpa, hidup mesti terus!

Dan nama Redz tu diteruskan sampailah aku ke States. Perlu diingatkan nama itu diberi oleh orang melayu yang makan belacan ye. Maka sampai di States aku ingat nama tu agak Americanized la kan? That is what they have been telling me. Sekali aku introduce kan diri aku, berbelit pulak lidah omputih ni nak sebut Redz. Korang tau apa nama aku kat sini? Nama yang American panggil hari-hari? Ia adalah MUHAMMAD. Cantik kan? Ye memang cantik. So it is a reminder for all Muhammads out there: we have to live up the name.

Ironi kan? Orang Melayu panggil Redz~ American you~ Tapi American panggil MUHAMMAD. Lawa nama tu alhamdulillah.

Sehingga ke hari ini, itulah yang orang panggil aku. Kecuali ada beberapa orang yang rapat, diorang panggil Redz. Bukanlah aku tak suka nama tu, tapi saje je cakap. hehe.

Bestnya duk oversea ni, kita dapat menaikkan nama ayah kita. Hehe. Nak je aku cerita kat ayah aku yang orang kat sini panggil aku KHAIRUN. Agak-agak dia bangga ke dia marah sebab aku curi nama dia? Fikir-fikirkan ye.

Kita ni nama diberi dah cantik, maka hidupkan lah nama tu. Nama seperti Shafiq, Ehsan, Amir, Arif dan banyak lagi. Tahu tak kamu semua apa makna nama kamu? Adakah kamu menghidupkan makna nama kamu itu? Ini adalah peringatan untuk diri aku juga.

Dan ketika kita bagi nama kepada orang, itu adalah doa kan? So kalau panggil die Longkang, atau Mumu atau Dikbil... Emm...

Aku nak elaborate panjang lagi tapi pemilik blog Qalam Aqli kata "Panjangnya..."

Monday, January 23, 2012

Nagging on Laziness


Most of the people that are close to me know that I have a short-temper; but, I am not here to talk about my temper in which at some point is uncontrollable. We'll talk about it in other coming post InsyaAllah. Albeit I know I should have not let my anger override my rational thinking; yet, last night, I was really upset when someone said something that has always upset me.

Yet I cannot say that is the thing that upsets me the most (because there are too many things that can upset me and I seriously do not know how to rank them in order).

"Hey, it is already third paragraph yet you haven't said anything about the thing that upset you. You are pissing me off!!"

OK. Sorry. Y'know, it is about the way people acknowledging the idea of laziness in themselves that upsets me.

"He doesn't perform well does not mean he is stupid. He is just lazy"

Thank God I was not made of explosives; or else, I would have exploded already. Let me explain to you why it upsets me so much.

See, this is how some people out there think when it comes to performance. They thought that low academic performance is a result of unfortunate slowness in absorbing class materials; yet, they unconsciously admit that those low-performers are actually blessed with intelligence and they can't do well is SIMPLY because they are lazy. get my point?

You see how those two ideas, namely unfortunate slowness and blessed intelligence, do not go along really well? They are like oil and water! How could someone slow can be intelligent? I am not demeaning slow people for who they are - that is something for sure.

Alas, they take laziness as a petty matter. The word "just" itself exhibits how laziness has a very insignificant contribution to the problem.

How ignorant someone could be to notice that the real problem is the laziness per se? The presenting problem, which is low performance, is not a result of weak cognition; yet, little did they know that laziness is the root of the problem.

The ability of mental to process knowledge and materials up to certain level is not our choice. If we were born slow, then there is nothing we could do about it. Well, of course some people undergo therapy and constantly hope for miracle to happen. The effort to overcome something that is beyond our power and choice in order to be better person is noble by itself. Hey, God will not grant you something unless you work hard for it. remember?

Ar-Ra'd (11) image source:

"For each one are successive [angels] before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah. Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron"

What I am trying to say is that it is not fair for someone to put blame of weak performance on the capacity to acquire knowledge.

It is their stupidity that should be blamed for. Wait, what do I mean by 'stupidity' here?

We must be thankful to be bestowed with the precious willpower since there is no other creation of God are given the power of will. In our lives, we always face with choices and it is actually up to us to choose what we think the best for us (based on our understanding and existing laws).

So, what does stupidity has to do with willpower? Ignorant people, for me, are the ones who intentionally made wrong decision even though they know, by heart, it is a wrong decision. Alright, this is for you students; do you know that you will not get good grade if you don't study? Duh~ Why do I bother to ask you when we already know the answer to this silly question? It is because I just want to make my point clearer! Isn't it stupid for somebody who has known the
answer to that stupid question yet he or she still goes for the stupid choice? Yes, that is the stupidity that needs to be cured.

If we could spend every single penny that we have to cure the existing low mental capacity, why would not we spend a little time to think and make the right (read obvious) choice?

Ah..isn't it really stressful to see something good that is already served before our eyes yet we choose to have the bad meal? *insert clip from Family Guy to illustrate this example* (sorry I can't find a clip, but I am sure you guys will find one)

Failure to identify the real problems is the biggest problem because you will never know where to start while the presenting problem worsens.

Being lazy never helps you to be engineers.

Please, correct me if I am wrong in a wise and acceptable manner. Verily, I am only another person that has a lot of defects in my being.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Salam 'Alaik rakan-rakanku semua,

Jadi hari ini merupakan salah satu dari empat hari yang aku update blog kerana aku hanya update blog empat kali setahun. Jika rakan-rakan perasan, aku sudah tukar layout dan gambar kat atas tu jadi comel sikit dari sebelum ni. Yela, segan jugaklah aku blog je hias lawa-lawa api takde sape nak update blog; sudah itu pulak orang duk tanya tapi aku kata asyik kata esok atau kejap lagi je. Ok, mari kita masuk ke tajuk.


selama mana aku hidup di bumi yang fana ini, aku memerhatikan bahawa kita sentiasa beredar di sekeliling kenangan; aku tak tahu orang lain macam mana, tapi aku fikir macam tu. faham tak?

let me break it down for you. Mengikut theory aku, fasa hidup kita ni terbahagi kepada 3 komponen kenangan iaitu:

1) Merancang kenangan
2) Mencipta kenangan
3) Mengenang kenangan

it sounds corny - I know. But anyhow, let's go through one by one.

1. Merancang kenangan

sebenarnya dalam step ini, ia bermula dengan mendengar dan melihat kenangan orang sekeliling.

Masa ini, typically semasa kita semua masih lagi kanak-kanak riang yang dengar je apa orang sekeliling cakap. sedang kawan kau cerita hantu yang tak masuk akal pun kau dengar jugak dengan penuh khusyuk. aku rasa mendengar kenangan tu adalah seperti yang semua orang paham kan? cam biasa la, kau dengar datuk-datuk atau pakcik-pakcik menceritakan kenangan mereka membina empangan tasik kenyir la, lawan komunis la, pegi lawan bos kat tempat kerja la, memukul pak guard dengan kayu golf la, serta menjadi pegawai diplomat Malaysia ketika usia masih muda. kang aku letak semua contoh nanti takde sape nak baca.

dari segi melihat kenangan pula, ia lebih kepada apa yang kita lihat secara live ataupun yang kita tengok dalam TV. contoh yang terdekat pada aku adalah ketika aku menonton filem autobiografi ramai manusia-manusia yang berjaya dalam hidupnya. setidak-tidaknya pun, kita melihat sendiri depan mata bagaimana orang-orang terdekat dengan kita yang berbakti pada masyarakat. takkan la tak motivated kot. pembacaan pun turut mempengaruhi jugak; kau baca kisah-kisah sahabat tu. sama je la konsepnya dengan macam tengok movie autobiagrafi tu.

tapi by the end of the day, kita yang masih lagi suci murni ibarat kain putih tu mula rasa motivated nak buat perkara yang sama ataupun lebih hebat lagi. kan? ke aku sorang je pikir camtu..?

lepas tu barulah orang sibuk nak merancang nak buat apa dalam course hidup dia. menurut adik aku, semasa dia berumur 5 atau 6 tahun, dia bercita-cita mahu cemerlang dalam upsr so that boleh masuk MRSM and then dapat SPM 11A supaya dia dapat fly ke United States. hebat...siapa la yang motivate dia tu, mesti kacak orangnya.

"Begin something with the end in mind"
Stephen Covey - Author of "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"

2. Mencipta kenangan

Dalam hidup kita, kita akan sentiasa berdepan dengan pilihan. sedang kau tengah tahan berak masa ceramah motivasi ramai-ramai kat sekolah pun kau menghadapi pilihan jugak. sama ada kau nak pergi ke tandas dan berak, atau kau tahan je sampai ceramah tu habis. yela, mungkin kau seorang yang segan kalau orang tahu kau pergi berak. sikit punya lama kau spend kat dalam bathroom tu takkan la orang tak tau. pastu bila kau masuk orang ramai-ramai pakat tutup hidung. panjangnya contoh ni..tapi pointnya adalah hidup sentiasa berdepan dengan pilihan.

apa pulak la kaitan kenangan dan pilihan ni...

ceritanya macam ni, dalam engkau menghadapi hari-hari dalam hidup kau, kau selalu tak tanya diri kau, apa yang patut kau buat? senang cerita macam ni, masa tu ada selection untuk wakil sekolah ke taekwondo tournament. kau ada pilihan sekarang sama ada kau nak buat sehabis baik atau kau buat-buat segan bagi peluang mencipta sejarah hidup tu ke orang lain. boleh kata pulak kau ni seorang yang smart dan mahu melakar sesuatu dalam hidup, mestilah kau rasa nak buat betul-betul kan? dan engkau pun buat gila-gila punya dan akhirnya tup-tup engaku dah final peringkat kebangsaan dan..arghh..senang pendek cerita kau dapat emas. syabas, syabas.

bukan dalam sport sahaja, malah dalam bidang kepimpinan, adakah engkau sanggup menggalas tanggungjawap sebagai seorang ahli Lembaga Disiplin Pelajar semasa kanak-kanak yang tak matang lain merasakan itu adalah suatu yang terlalu menonjol untuk mereka, atau adakah engkau sanggup jadi presiden Kelab Parti Politik Tertentu Luar Negara New York-New Jersey ketika jauh di lubuk hati kau, kau tak mahu ada association dengan parti politik ini? tapi semuanya kau buat jugak la sebab kau nak melakukan sesuatu dalam hidup ini.

dalam kegiatan sosial, kau mesti ada pergi volunteer ke, tolong orang ke. i tell you what, volunteering is surely a life-changing act. kau tak rasa wo camne bestnya volunteer ini. aku tak rajin sangat volunteer, sikit-sikit je. tapi aku tengok orang-orang yang volunteer ni semua macam ketagih nak buat benda tu. apsal? haa. kau volunteer sendiri la baru kau cakap.

dari tadi asyik cakap benda positive je kan? boleh jadi masa muda ni kita buat benda gila-gila punya. kau skema ke nak buat semua benda nerd-nerd? cakap skema kat kau marah pulak. time muda-muda ini lah kita lumba lembu kat sawah orang ke, drift kereta proton bapak kau depan masjid time subuh hari ke, merempit malam-malam sampai terbarai motor depan kubur ke, masukkan peti ais dalam bathtub ke, ikut sukahati korang la. banyak lagi benda aku boleh tulis tapi kang penuh dengan contoh pulak. tak sampai point.

tapi la kan, dalam hidup kita ini sentiasa berdepan dengan pilihan. sama ada kita nak buat dosa atau pahala. sama ada kita nak buat benda mulia atau keji. sama ada kita nak buat benda baik atau buruk. sama ada kita nak buat benda besar atau kecil. sama ada kita nak jadi manusia terbilang atau manusia yang biasa-biasa. pilihan sentiasa berada di tangan kita. masa untuk mencipta kenangan ni dah lama bermula untuk kita-kita kini yang muda belia, tapi masih belum terlambat nak terus mencipta.

Steve Jobs, dalam setiap benda yang beliau mahu buat, beliau akan bertanya pada diri beliau sendiri: "If today was my last day, would I do what I am about to do now?"

Orang Yang Hidup bagi dirinya sendiri akan hidup sebagai orang kerdil dan mati sebagai orang kerdil. Tapi orang yang hidup bagi orang lain akan hidup sebagai orang besar dan mati sebagai orang besar (Sayyid Quthub)

3. Mengenang kenangan

Masa mencipta dan mengenang kenangan ini biasanya overlapped. Yela, sedang benda yang kau baru buat tadi kau boleh kenang kejap lagi. kan? tapi masa tua kita, masa yang kita dah tak bermaya nak gila-gila lagi, atau masa kita tidak lagi sesuai untuk buat certain benda, time tu adalah masa mengenang kenangan.

masa tu kau akan termenung sorang-sorang, pandang luar tingkap, tapi kau tak pandang pun pokok pisang kat luar tu, tapi kau melihat satu-satu kenangan yang kau buat masa kau masih gagah dahulu. senyum sorang-sorang aje kau. time tu la anak cucu kau datang dan kau pun bukak la cerita. sebab tu orang muda sekarang bila buat benda gila-gila sikit dia nanti akan kata "Nanti adalah benda sikit nak cerita kat anak cucu". Ok, aku sound like orang tua.

selalunya aku fikir, mungkin nanti suatu hari nanti korang akan jadi somebody, dan masa itu, orang akan buatkan movie atau at least satu museum untuk kau. orang takkan nak buat movie kehidupan seorang yang sangat hambar dan lame. mesti la nak cari kehidupan yang penuh adventure dan action-packed. So, tanyalah diri korang, adakah hidup korang ni best nak dibuat movie atau buat abis beras je kalau buat pun?

ataupun, kalau korang suatu masa nanti ketika terlantar kat katil, masa tu adakah kau akan menangis sebab menyesal dengan benda-benda yang kau buat? adakah jugak kau akan menyesal sebab kau buat benda-benda yang tak sepatutnya yang kau harap kau boleh patah balik masa?

ataupun korang akan asyik gelak or senyum sambil berkata "I did this and that and I am so proud of what I did". Bukan bermaksud riak la tapi.

ataupun, masa kita semua menghadap Yang Esa. bersediakan kita dimainkan semula kenangan-kenangan kita di dunia yang sementara ini dan dikhabarkan kepada kita apa yang telah kita kerjakan dan diputuskan keputusan kepada kita? Wallahu 'Alam.

-this is just a friendly reminder for me and you just in case we forgot.
-jika ada salah dan silap harapnya ditunjukkan dengan cara penuh hikmah dan hemah.
-ok, kelas aku start hari ini. dah takde masa free lagi. takleh tulis blog. "Argh, kau manjang busy nye. pemalas tulis blog apa?". "Haah kan, kalau nak tunggu tak busy bila je aku betul-betul free?"

Friday, August 26, 2011

EarthQuake and Hurricane

assalamualaikum kawan2..kali ini, tajuk je English tapi isi die bahasa ibunda kita iaitu bahasa Melaka. hari ini sambil mendengar lagu Nur Kasih, aku decide nak tulis satu post.

pagi tadi, setelah kami semua jemaah subuh, semasa orang lain membaca al-ma'thurat dan ayat suci al-Quran, kami telah jamming sampai langit terang. ape nak jadi la.tapi apa yang nak diceritakan adalah kejadian alam yang telah dan bakal terjadi ini.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

hehe..sorry (at one shot)


hehe...sudah tak update blog selama beberapa lama. serious sibuk la. hari tu kan macam artis kan pergi sambut birthday banyak2 kali..haha

tak, sebenarnya aku busy gila dengan assignment yang berlambak walaupun dalam Summer session. tapi takpe, it makes me to stay sharp.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Convince:.:Accept//Force:.: Disastrous

**this is the thing that i have always wanted to tell people**
***enough with this stars thingy***

if you see the title of this entry, you might not have any idea what this entry is all about. this is about serious matter; but, i am not going to write this in a very serious tone. i will try my best to convey my message; but IT IS UP TO YOU TO ACCEPT IT OR NOT.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


(only p/s and p/s/s make the whole point of this entry. you can skip the whole entry to the p/s bla3)

i see blog stats this morning, and the result was fairly surprising. of course, i have never thought that it would be that much. i thought the number of all-time view alone only was like couple hundreds..

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Something to Ponder upon this Evening

Hi mate,

frequently we see people gather for, let say, a cause; yet little do most of them know the reason behind. i am not talking about specific event that just occurred few days ago; rather, a wide view on peoples' behavior - generally. for i am not in the exception zone, so this is merely a self reflect and time-to-time observation.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

apakah maksudnya menjadi pandai?

Assalamualaikum dan hello kawan-kawan,

masa membeli makan tengahari di kedai makcik Zainab depan balai polis selepas result kuar SPM hari itu, Zamani terdengar Mak Cik Leha membisik "Hesh~ anak Encik Zul tu pandai tu. hari tu SPM dapat 11A!!". begitulah kira-kira bisikan (yang sangat kuat sampai Zamani leh dengar) oleh Mak Cik Leha kepada makcik Zainab. maka mula lah gossip mereka yang kali ini memang betul Zamani takleh dengar.

pergi la pulak Salleh ke kedai untuk beli minyak tanah untuk uwan kesayangannya di kedai Pak Manap. "huisshhh..Salleh, dah jadi mat saleh dah kau pergi sampai Amerika tu ha. pandai betul engkau ye?".

tak pun masa Padel cakap kat Mirul masa balik sekolah "Camne ko leh jadi pandai ha? bagitau sikit buku dari langit ke berapa ko baca sampai leh jadi camni."

Mari Menulis dengan Random (sebab apa kena menulis)

Assalamualaikum dan hello rakan-rakan,

mari kita menulis dalam bahasa melayu kerana aku adalah orang melayu. kenapa la introduction bengap macam ni..dalam post kali ini, cikgu akan membicarakan tentang kepentingan menulis blog kepada diri sendiri. kalau korang rasa tak penting lantak korang la.

sekali lagi, hanya pengajaran dan nilai-nilai murni adalah sepatutnya kita amik dari pembacaan. kalau tak suka, kita ada pilihan untuk berlalu pergi. hmm..abang bunga dah aku.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

5k RUN!


i am only writing this post for the sake of keeping this blog alive. no more no less. in this entry, i would like to share about my experience today that's revolve around Party With Purpose Hoboken 2011 5K Run. Nothing serious about this entry; and do not expect this entry to be like athletic experience of well-trained Marathon Olympians in his 26 miles marathon. i only write this so that we can ponder upon good values and lessons.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

it takes me some time to think what the title should be..

alright, i will write this in one shot. well, this is blog, you are not really abided by any format; yet, it might influence your academic writing skills. i have always wanted to activate this blog again simply because i have so many things to say. unfortunately, i PROCRASTINATE because i think this is not the best time to write anything. i thought i have to fully prepare myself by reading more books, and articles; and perhaps, i should be doing some more researches.

but i was slightly wrong.

it is not a decent writing if you don't do any research at all. but it is also not a good thing to put off writing for a long time because you simply think you don't research enough.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

new post

new post. i live up my word to have a new post

Sunday, October 24, 2010


The word POYO

I have been hearing this word since I was in primary school – perhaps, same goes to everyone else. What does this word mean? Well, according to few people I met, they said that the word means beautiful in Javanese language; but, as far as I am concern, the word POYO that I have been familiarized with does not carry that meaning. Instead, in Malaysian Urban Dictionary, it says “Malaysian slang for a person who doesn’t realize how fag he/she is, shameless action, self boasting”. I must admit, it shall be true sometime. On the other hand, I try my best to minimize the usage of this word because I found that this word is extremely DANGEROUS.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

memory of blasphemy! oh, smart ass (really)

we, engineers wannabe, were so excited knowing that there would be a trip to Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), a renowned university in Malaysia, once my dream university. that trip, which was exclusively for top 20 MARA trial scorers for engineers, would be remembered for the rest of my life.

it was 4 am in the morning; yet, the students who signed up for that trip had prepared to board on bus from MRSM Serting to UTP. i could see tired (for not having enough sleep) yet excited faces - as i was among of them, too. we were all dressed in our formal/official attire, if i could say so, the baju batik. the smartest (neat) dress after LDP (Students Disciplinary Board) attire.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

series of events

alright, i am not going to write this post in academic manner. there will be no thesis statement, elaboration and things alike. anyway, let me start with what happen last weeks. i figured out that i haven't updated my blog ever since. i was really busy.

it was my final week for summer II. i had 2 finals - design of machine components and fluid mechanics. well, something that has been discouraging me ever since that i don't think i did well during fluids final because i didn't have enough sleep. i was also preparing for my interview that was also on the same day. so because i don't have enough confidence, though i actually was, i studied all night long - although i am supposed to be programmed,by past experience, to become aware the fact that it should have been done earlier. i didn't want it to end up like dynamics (because the same thing happen! full mark for tests and quizzes but messed up in the final). so as the result haven't come out yet, i just can pray and pray. on the other hand, i am so surprised with my machine components. i did not expect i get that grade, though. thanks God. well, design of machine components was a take home final and should had been done in three days. because of procrastination disease rooted deep inside me, i did it 4 hours before its due. (p/s: though, i wasn't the last one to hand the final)

ah, speaking of interview, i did not know what i did wrong but it's just not meant to be my job. well, i don't meet the requirement - having a valid driving license.

and also, there are like 30 of newly come (Malaysian, for sure,) students to Stevens. please God, give me strength to do what is right for me, them and everybody. and also, i have, successfully, if i CAN say so, got out from any position in MASA. well actually people don't like me so i am not voted - that is the real story. i am just making it like i was important. anyway, i don't have any official power to say anything but, trust me, deep inside i feel responsible to do what's right. i think, am sure, i would say, they think i am snobbish. well, i can live with that. it has been my first impression ever since my first interaction with human species.

ah! i had my friends, Ijem, Azhari, and Pobin visiting New York and eventually me! it was a lot of fun. i haven't been so happy since i don't know when. we did a lot of things including drawing six packs on our tummy~ :D

but now, they are now safely return to their own habitat. until next time. and so my classes has started. i am so advance that i don't know what else i should enroll in. unlike any other normal students, i am now doing 2nd semester of junior year with a class from senior year. isn't that advance? it is. why? it is because i had prepared to work during fall yet i don't have chance to do so. well, i am not really upset as i know there is a bless in disguise for no matter what happen and things happen always for reason.

and yeah! speaking of class, i was initially planning to do minor in engineering management. in order to do so, i got to take four classes. one of them, which is the most critical one, is accounting and business analysis. i missed the first class because i needed to take some sleep. really i need to because i didn't have a really good-night sleep and the classes was like from 8 to 2.30pm non-stop without any gap. what the duck!! so i just went to the class yesterday. i was a few minutes late. there was an old man, standing in the middle of class and staring at screen in front of the class. he was, like he has been thousand times rehearsed, smoothly explained the slide; yet, i don't have any single clue what he was talking about. i still remember i missed the first class of Differential Equation and i got a real bad grade for it. so i don't want the same thing to happen again. and also, it was terribly boring that i was just sitting and staring for 3 minutes and i went out of the class and erased my name from attendance list and i dropped that class! tadaaa!! it happened in incredible speed; isn't it? and three minutes is actually long enough for me to make up my mind to not doing minor while thinking of doing minor took me about three semester. seriously i don't understand at all what he was saying - cash cow, harvest, invest, divest, importance grid. wtf (what the fish) are them?plus, the slide was not attractive and interactive at all.

so it was just moment after i dropped that class i realized that i only had 13 credits for this semester. i was like what?? only 13. and i started going crazy. i went to see dean to enroll in technogenesis but sorry that class is only for seniors and E 355 (engineering economics), which i am taking right now, is the pre-requisite course. so only after hours of trying and error to put up some classes that i wish to retake, i came out with a solution to take technical elective course. thanks God there was a friend of mine, who is senior right now, taking that class too. so yeah, my credit is now 16. even though i am not really satisfied but i think it is enough. so i guess that would be all. thank you! :D