one who stands for nothing will fall for anything.why do i say so? it is because in reality, it is! maybe now we cannot clearly see and say so. really? yes.just look around you.ponder the quote for a moment and think.what is happening around you and people around you?does everything we see in news everyday is all coincidence?maybe yes perhaps not..ok..i am pretty sure that we are now puzzled by the quote and try to think something about it (or at least about something related).
of course it just a quote.however, that is the reality. it is also a cause-and-effect process if we see closely.dont't you think so?take this are in the middle of the fight or war.there are two forces battling merely like good versus evil.if you have no belief in any of those side, will you find no way to escape from the war or at least survive from addition to that, you might harm yourself with absorbing poisonous offer from the bad side. to get more into reality, let's us make an anecdote here.
you were so young and fresh to be in the midst of were more likely to know nothing about war; how to survive and how to face it.with kneel on the ground, you wiped the dry blood on your forehead; the forehead that shield the confused your eyes tried to focus on something was coming towards you, you got scared the hell out of it. it was a figure of a man riding a white horse with one arm holding a sharp shining sword.on the other end, there was another one figure; but riding a black horse with a same position.the man on the white horse grabbed you and said "who are you belong to?i am here to save you."he was expecting an answer yet you just quiet and obviously showing your ignorance to what the hell is happening."i am sorry but you asked me to let you go; i have to save that man, he is calling for my help.farewell brother."he lose his grip and you abruptly fell on your blurry sight, you saw nothing but one man saying these word harshly "whether you with us; or against us".his sword was on a close contact between your dusty neck and bruised chin.he then laughed in iota of different than lucifer evil laugh.
what else can "you" do?the savior has come to you at the first place.however, without sufficient knowledge, you are almost impossible to be are not be able to differentiate aid and the oath of this world, you let yourself be in a thorny arms of evil if you choose something unclear.why do all this happen??it is simply because you don't have faith on the right side..ignorance..
lack of knowledge is dangerous (Saidina Hamzah, somewhat 1400 ago)
when something is too good to be true; it is (Richard Anderson, Macroeconomics SIT 2009).
yes it is.maybe some of you has never realize that.basically, everything has been depicted in the anecdote above.if you completely have no idea about what happen around you, who run this world, why things happen; you are no different than just a solid product of what THEY have been working.THEY stop at nothing to accomplish their goal.who are THEY? we will know later. indeed, we don't want to be a great loser in hereafter. or at least, if we don't have faith on that, we surely don't want to be such puppets for their evil plan.
before i tell you how does everything works, let me tell you who run this big plan.the plan that includes UFO, Underworld, and Nuclear. it sounds weird. in reality they do exist. they, or THEY, are the Secret Society, Illuminati, Free Mason,Invisible Hand or what ever you want to call them. basically, they are from the same bloodline.i don't need to focus more in will be elaborated in a post about NWO (New World Order).
whatever it is, their main objective is to prepare slaves to accomplish their ultimate goal. and who are going to be the slaves? they would be people who are victimized mindly, financially, physically, mentally and....i don't know..simple answer: they would be victims.
as for now, i will say we, for no matter who we are, are the victim.let's us discover why/how. it is time to tell you how it works. right now, the idea to directly enslave people is insane .yes it is. however, we have to bear in mind, they stop at nothing to accomplish their goal. moreover, there are many ways to enslave people. they have many forms of slavery too.all of them are well managed such as NWO, Africa, Mind Control, Media, White Man Burden and so many more to be stated here. one of their way to prepare slaves is by credit card. why credit card?actually, it will make thing easy with refering them as electronic money.
i will give a very basic idea/steps on how it works by electronic money.
- buy goods and services
- pay with something that has no value.*
- debt increased
- recession/financial crisis
- cannot pay debt
- blackmail; entrapment
- do anything to pay or escape from danger of not paying debt
* (paper money; which is not real money. real money has value such as gold and silver.without depending on gold (at least), our financial system can easily be corrupted.[further study about ribaa' and interest is highly recommended])
how is it? is it sensible? however it just one common way..i don't know why i think like this.maybe because i am now in USA and America is now facing its biggest recession of all time and i am using debit card..maybe it is because although we are in the air of recession, unlike my home country, promotion and buying rate by consumer are very unusually popping.
actually there are many other ways to enslave people. i guess you can think of them by yourself. i would suggest some:
- infiltrated religion
- divided nation
- faded identity**
- distorted education
- ruined social system
- false ideology
- individualistic
- mind control
- hypnosis
- Divide and Conquer
- military conquer
**(unable to track back the root of culture; Westernization, -- a process of being somebody else, true lies)
and you see what the hell is going on around us?
Palestine is the best example i can give here. before we start anything, let me remind that seeing Palestine is not necessarily to be in ONLY religion point of view. in other word, Palestine is not a religious issue; yet, it is a HUMANITY issue. yes. humanity. why? ask yourself. i think it is not too much if i say that looking at Palestine as religious issue is a very sinical agenda made by our enemy. it is because, when we see it as religious issue, automatically, we deny the sympathy of other other words, we deny the sympathy of other HUMAN BEING.
COMPLETE HUMAN. that is our goal. i still remember how Dr. Mahathir talked about Palestine issue in one international event. he got sympathy from many world leaders especially the non-muslims. however, there was one young Arab guy stood in the center of attention saying that Palestine is about the war between Islam and Jews. what the hell is wrong with this guy?? if i were there, surely, i would beat him to dead. he was gambling about billions of life. why? the way he made that statement was merely denying HUMAN sympathy. of course other non muslim leaders would get offended. with stating that it is just about Muslim and Jews, so the Chinese ,Japanese, Korean, Russian, Indian, Polish, Australian, etc have nothing to do with this issue. it is like "get the hell out of this problem; none of your bussiness!".come on..don't be so stupid or jahil or jumud or conservative or regressive or i don't know you name it.
there is a huge differece between Jews and Zionist. however, Zionist, Luciferent, Free Mason, Satanist, Invisible Hand, Secret Society, Black Brotherhood, 101, ISIS, and A.S.E are very much alike. i have seen and talked with so many people. and what i mean by people here is the religion man. no matter what religion are they. i have met with Buddhist, Hindu, Jews, Christian, and Muslim too. those people who really hold onto their belief hate the destruction caused by this less-than-1%-world population-community. last night, i met one old religion man said that these people are only Christian, Jews (or Muslim) at this (waving his hands from head to chest) but not at heart. i believe he was trying to say that these people used religion to camouflage their bad and sinical intention (to run destructive agenda).no wonder Rasulullah S.A.W (peace be upon him) said in his hadith that (more or less like this) there will be people with Islam only at name in Last Age . (correct me if i am wrong).they have been corrupted. they are willing to do anything and stop at nothing to accomplish their goal. now, i have found the answer why Allah let people to practice their religion if they don't embrace Islam. it is because, as long as we hold to our religion no matter what is that, will there be no destruction. i'd like to elaborate more on this in other post. as for now, we proceed to next point.
international society is actually forced to support Zionist movement and agenda. i am sure, if they have choice, they will definitely not allow destruction and massacre in Palestine. but why do they still "ignore" this issue? these are the reason why they do so (at least some of them):
- they have been economically conquered
- the mind of majority of world population have been corrupted and controlled
- they have some special interest (Saudi Arabian King, Jordan, Egypt)
- religion has not been seen as savior; instead, as a burden or prison.
- "Divide and Conquer" has been a great success
- unbelievable ignorance
- unwillingness to accept knowledge and positive change.
- education has been reversed --> to produce smart enough people to conduct machine and run system but stupid enough to see and analyze what the heck is going on around them; therefore, would allow every single destructive permission with ease.
there might be many other reasons that we haven't realized and discovered yet. maybe sometime their agenda move smoothly without they knowing or planning it. why? simply because of our ignorance..shallow knowledge..arrogant..and other bad (mahmudah) attributes.
just look at yourself and myself (as i remind you and me as myself). what is the purpose of our creation? what is our role in our society, country, family and religion? which side that we choose? what do we do in supporting one side? what do we hold onto? how close are we on track? how far are we from threat? how concious are we about what happen around and within us? have we ever given any thought about that? answer all those questions and you will simply discover where you belong to.
selfishness, ignorance, arrogance, laziness, lousiness. try your best to throw them away.i know it is hard. yet this change cannot be overcome and done in just one night. make it slowly but surely achive our goal.
وَمَا خَلَقۡتُ ٱلۡجِنَّ وَٱلۡإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعۡبُدُونِ
I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me
(Adz-Zariyat 51:56)
hold on to what you should...
وَٱعۡتَصِمُواْ بِحَبۡلِ ٱللَّهِ جَمِيعً۬ا وَلَا تَفَرَّقُواْۚ وَٱذۡكُرُواْ نِعۡمَتَ ٱللَّهِ عَلَيۡكُمۡ إِذۡ كُنتُمۡ أَعۡدَآءً۬ فَأَلَّفَ بَيۡنَ قُلُوبِكُمۡ فَأَصۡبَحۡتُم بِنِعۡمَتِهِۦۤ إِخۡوَٲنً۬ا وَكُنتُمۡ عَلَىٰ شَفَا حُفۡرَةٍ۬ مِّنَ ٱلنَّارِ فَأَنقَذَكُم مِّنۡہَاۗ كَذَٲلِكَ يُبَيِّنُ ٱللَّهُ لَكُمۡ ءَايَـٰتِهِۦ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَہۡتَدُونَ
And hold fast, all of you together, to the cable of Allah and do not separate. And remember Allah's favour unto you: how ye were enemies and He made friendship between your hearts so that ye became as brothers by His grace; and (how) ye were upon the brink of an abyss of fire, and He did save you from it. Thus Allah maketh clear His revelations unto you, that ye may be guided
( Ali-Imran 3:103)
Muhammad Redzuan Khairun 07030 NJ
8.13pm April 13
428 Davis Hall
all right reserved.
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