
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

what have we done??

"what do you guys cook?"
"you cook rice with coconut milk?"
"can i taste some?"
"wow, its good!"
"can I have some more? just if you guys don't mind"
"i have to learn Malaysian cooking. seriously, no joke"

some quote~ hehe..we love cooking!! it is not as hard as we thought. nasi lemak, Malaysian omelette, and sambal anchovy are just enough for today's breakfasting.

p/s: special thanks to Mr. Mohd Isa and Kak Nisa.


semalam..beberapa nanosecond sebelum ak mahu tidur tiba2 aku dikejutkan oleh sesuatu yang sangat ajaib. roomate aku (bukan nama sebenar) telah mengisytiharkan dirinya untuk menjadi seorang blogger.yeah~ beliau telah sedaya upaya mengorek segala rahsia dan tatacara yang sepatutnya diketahui oleh seorang blogger. kesungguhan dan keazaman yang beliau miliki begitu mengagumkan.syabazz...

laksana seorang da'ie, beliau telah menyebarkan keenakan blogging kepada seorang lagi lembu yang saiznya tak berapa nak kecil. oleh kerana keikhlasan dan ketulusan hatinya untuk membuat blog, sedikit tunjuk ajar dan tutorial secara online telah aku berikan setakat mana yang aku mampu biarpun bantal dan selimut telah mendayu-dayu menyeru kehadiranku. dengar cerita beliau kini sedang bekerja sebagai pramugara MAS dengan nama Nobin (bukan nama sebenar juga).

maka diharapnya dengan permulaan mereka ini adalah secara berterusan serta berguna kepada masyarakat. gambar di atas menunjukkan gambaran tepat keadaan rakan2 ku. IRVINE

Monday, September 7, 2009

break-fasting tomyam

as soon as we woke up at 5.30am, there was a sigh came out from deep inside. we realized that we missed the sahur that ended several minutes before. its ok. we performed subuh prayer together and did whatever necessary until 9am. there was nothing much happen as we both slept until 2.45pm. anyway, to make the story short, a big question have fallen on our head. what are we going to have for breakfasting?

luckily, there was kak nisa came out with a very brilliant solution. TOMYAM~ plus, there was a post specially written for me on her website and it was about how to prepare tomyam.ah~ thank you kak nisa. you are always there when we need you even though we are seperated half of he globe away.abom is way lucky.

4.40pm, we headed to KINGS with two freshies. one of them were, we bought materials to cook with her advise.thanks to you guys-the freshies. after we were at our room, we started cooking. without hesitation, i sliced onions while syaz were dealing with rice. it was a very dramatic yet satisfying for first attempt cooking. 7.19pm is the moment of good was our tomyam.believe it or not, we DO LIKE it~ yeaayy

so we gonna share about how it is made. first rule for tomyam, it is simply a campak-campak recipe. as long as you throw out the right things, there will be a tomyam. don't put too much big onions. put garlic first before anything (of course you heat the oil first). after the soup has boiled, put whatever you like such as crabmeat and shrimp. 5 minutes before serving, you can put some vegi such as bell pepper, carrots, and mushroom. and tadaa~

Sunday, September 6, 2009


everything happen is what best for us no matter whether it is a grief or a joy


Friday, September 4, 2009

3rd day

hari ni sebab aku masih tidak mempunyai laptop lagi, maka aku tiada kerja yang amat..aku termenung..dalam selimut.takleh tidooo~~ sebab masa tido aku da berubah..dari pukul 9pm ke 3am.huu..

tiba2 aku terfikir peti ais kami mempunyai masalah-terlalu banyak ais. aku dengan tiada kerja nye membaring kan fridge tersebut lalu aku tuang air panas ke atas ais tersebut..yeaahh~ ia membenihkan hasil. maka aku semakin excited menuang kan air panas.aku lakukan perkara ni senyap2 je..tak lama kemudian syaz menolong aku wat kerja laksana pelajar Skim Pelajar Cemerlang.tidak lama kemudian. aku menyedari banyak air atas lantai.alamak!! rupanya air keluar ikut belakang~

ak tak pikir panjang.aku terus ajak syaz angkat fridge tersebut ke suatu tempat.apakah ia? ia adalah bathroom...kami letak fridge tu dalam bathtub.yeaayy..masa tu aku memikir kan mawu memandi kan fridge tersebut dengan shower air panas.kami keluar ke depan balik utk mengelap baki air yang ada.byk gile la..tibe2 roommate kami yang bukan dari Malaysia keluar dan bertanya "what happen?". aku tak tawu nak citer ape and said " lemme show you something. it will explain much." lantas aku tunjukkan dia fridge kami yang ada dalam bathtub. die tibe2 terdiam dan hanya memandang. muka die sedih dow time tu..ak pn tak pasti apsal.lama pastu die kata."if the fridge broke down we have to pay for it, do you know that?" i tried to convince him with my confident answer "yeah, i know that. you don't have to worry about that."

lama dia memerhatikan kami mengelap lantai..tak lama lepas tu die masuk bilik dan main guitar. die nyanyi lagu Always by Bon Jovi. cam sedih gile..haha.kemudian kami meletakkan fridge itu seperti keadaan asal.nasib baik la fridge tu tak rosak.hehe..tapi pastu die pun start main sama. pukul ais pakai kasut la ape la.tapi semua tak berjaya.akhirnya kami berhenti main peti ais..takpe la..sebab esok tu aku dapat laptop dan ini la kerja ku sekarang..tak main peti ais da..hehe..

2nd day

hari ni cam eksyen sket xmo makan kat luar..budak2 baru ajak makan kat luar tapi kitorg (syaz dan aku) katakan xpe la..kitorg masak..akan tetapi. secara tiba2 masalah mula timbul apabila kami menyedari kami tiada periuk..mantap giler..bermula la episod mencari periuk di stevens..mcm2 kami jumpe..ada la golongan manusia tu kan, baru first day pakai periuk, periuk diorg da pecah.haha..sbb tu slow cooker and diorg letak atas api..sian nye kamu~

kami akhirnye meminjam periuk roommate kami. nak masak nasi himpit je.tu pun segera. tapi macam2 dugaan yang mendatang. baru je rebus sket air da membuak2. kami pun dengan pandai nye assume air terlalu banyak lalu buang sket air..pastu tgk air cam ok je kami tambah air lagi..proses ini berulang2 sampai air xsempat nak didih betul2..tu x citer lagi part satu paket nasi himpit kena kuar kan masa tengah masak sebab tak muat nak letak dalam periuk.

so itulah ia sampai la berbuka puasa.akhir nye kami iftar dengan ketupat lebur...yg panas..serta rendang brahim dan serunding..bersama mek.

setelah tiba di states..

that day, the airport i was sad. i guess "sad" is not the right word to describe my feeling that moment. if you guys wanna know, i was damn missing my mum. if she were there, probably, she would be smiling and looking at me with a very lovely look like she will always be by my side even though she is not. drop it out with that personal feeling. anyway, i was carryng two cargo luggage full of raw material. you guys know what they are - curry powder, brahims, and stuffs like that. it was kak nisa who bought all those things just to make sure i will not be as skinny as before. she is really nice. with her new hubby, Abom, i am pretty sure they would be happy together. yeah, i just recalled that we sang the song, So Happy Together, on Grad Night. at the airport, i was controlling myself as i am leaving them-my family. anyway, it was different from before - the feeling, the people, the dress etc. my flight was delayed up to 12.30 at midnight. so and so we, syaz, miem and me, departed from KLIA~ we thought that it will always be night all the way to America. thus, theorically, we don't have to fast because it was dark outside. somehow, ah~, we do have to after we consult with the one of the abang kacang. abang kacang is steward of MAS who always give kacang (salted peanut to us). even though abang kacang will change according to flight, we will always look for abang kacang. abang kacang keep changing with respect to different flight; but there will always be abang kacang. ok back to the story, abang kacang said we have to sahur because we will be fasting a few hours after we took our sahur and performed subuh prayer. and then, suprisingly, the sun came out!! aahhhh....yeah! puasa jgn tak puasa..haiya..ya know what, it was the survival of the fittest.ok, we did everything like watching movie, non-stop sleeping, playing game, talking randomly, just to face the fact we were fasting.haha.actually it was not as hard and challenging as i is just an exaggeration. anyway, syaz and me survived after hours of fasting. miem could not make it. ah..but, she got first class cake and stuffs. was because akak kacang (stewardess) was really2 caring. "boleh tahan lagi?" "xpe2..kalo u nak break,panggil je i." ya know what, she even spare several chicken sandwichs for us in case we wanted to break. when foreigners ask for chicken sandwich she said "sorry we are out of it". tapi bile sampai kat kitorg..."hey u guys nak chicken sandwich x? i ada simpan utk u all taw". pastu boley plak die cakap kat kawan die yg kat isle sebelah dalam bahasa yang tidak akan difahami leh foreigners menyatakan die simpan sandwic ayam tu utk wonder Malaysia Airline wins "World's Best Cabin Staffs" award.

after we arrived at Newark Liberty International Airport, we saw abang kacang again. this abang kacang was so friendly because he gave us a bag full of kacang. wanna know the story about kacang of this flight? as usual, we asked for kacang. first akak kacang went to the "kitchen" and grab a bag of kacang and gave it to miem. she said " sorry i don't have enough bag'; BUT, later she said " You have bag ah? meh la ikut saya." i grabbed syaz's bag and followed her to the kitchen. she said " ok u amik la bape bnyk u nak ea, i tutup langsir ni." for the first time of my life, i felt like i was mugging MAS. hehe..aku terasa cam perompak gile perompak professional xleh blah. bukak beg, kuar kan sweater syaz dan penuh kan beg tu. beg tu da cam bantal da.atas dasar ihsan, aku tinggal kan dua paket kacang atas meja tu. unfortunately, there was another stewardess came in. i was shocked (of course). she said " eh apsal tinggalkan dua lagi tu? amik je sume." later, akak kacang came in and said "haah laa..apsal tinggal? amik je." i was like..ok~ i took every kacang. diorg nak bukak baru aku lari terus. minutes later, when we were laughing, suddenly abang kacang came with a paper in his hand with serious face. he came towards us and stop to kindly interrupt us." excuse me" he said " do you guys...". he stopped there and bend down and said "kertas ni acah je..nak kacang?" after that we discussed something can be regarded as business talk.hehe..back to the airport, we saw abang kacang again. he was waiting for someone with his friend. actually, he needs to go through certain procedure to check out. well, this is America.

i was in line and it was my turn. i answer every question the immigration officer asked. unluckily, i have to be detained for some reasons i don't know. was three hours. we (syaz and me) were worried about food in our bags. again, we saw abang kacang in detaining room.haha.

short the story, we arrived at Stevens. we picked up room keys, met Edwina, had a nice conversation and such. ahhh~ iftar after 24hours 5minutes fasting.. Chinese cuisine je la malam tu..aku tido pukul 8 lebey..hehe..without blanket and bedsheets.